Monday, April 18, 2011

Outside Baths and Rice Crispy treats... again...

Okay, so As per my previous post, I will be attempting to rewrite my funny poignent post from before, though this time I am sure it will be a bit shorter.... so, I have obviosly not adhered to my goal of posting something every day in April. This is due to a couple of things, but mostly the massive influx of work brough on by organizing and hosting the ChildCount+ Developers' meetup here in Kumasi, 6 software developers from all over Africa were here to talk about the current status and the future of the project I manage and to train the new guys (myself included) on how to work with CC+ better. It was super helpful, but also meant many many 12 hour (or more) days... :p It was totally worth it though, those guys were great and it was really good to spend some time getting to know them better. They were here from April 9th to the 16th and I am left with a stack of reciepts about a foot tall to send in to NYC for reimbursement. One night we all gathered at my our house for dinner and we played a little Kinect on the xbox (Thanks Dad!) and so that is some of the pictures attached. as you can see, a good time was had by all. 


So, everyone took off on Saturday, but Sunday brought a huge rain storm and fequesnt lights out, so not really much of a blog updating day. :) On saturday we were visited by my old friend Kofi who is a woodcarver and made these awesome stools for Claire. She loves to sit on them and we have also discovered that they make a perfect booster seat for her. so you can see them in a few of the pics of claire munching on the spoon. See this link  for more info about the cultural significance of stools to the Ashanti (we live in the ashanti region) 

So, as I mentioned we had a whole lot of rain yesterday, this meant that it was time for something Claire and I do called outside bath. Basically she and I go out to play in the rain while she's in her undies and I'm in shorts. It feels nice to have the cooling rain and Claire really likes it too. So we went out and played on the swings, looked for ripe mangos in the tree (she calls them mang-ees) and generally hung out in the rain for a while. It was a lot of fun. 


We then driewd off and went inside to make some very yummy rice crispy treats, but we had one issue, no marshmallows... they just don't exist in Kumasi. So we had to come up with an alternitive, which turned out to be even yummier than the original ones. The Recipe follows. 


1 C Honey (or Brown rice syrup or Agave or corn syrup)

1 C Brown Sugar (or any other kind of sugar you have)

1 C Cashew Butter (or any kind of nut butter, but we had cashew butter around)

(optional 3 T Butter and 1 t salt, 1T vanilla)

7 C Rice Crispy Cereal


So, you boil the honey and sugar together (and butter if you added it) over med low heat until the sugar dissolves (my honey was a bit thin so I boiled it for about 3 or 4 minutes) then you add the vanilla and salt and cashew butter anb turn off the heat (remove the pan from heat if you use electric burners) and then mix in the cereal. We also added chopped cashews and dark chocolate. It's really really good, but also really sweet. So, yep there you have it. Claire was wandering around licking the spoon for about 2 minutes. It was super cute. and they stayed together really well (which is not surprising since basically carmel replaced the mashmallows). Okay, well that's all for now. I have a TON of work to do. I'm off to Tanzania this week for about 10 days to work on ChildCount+ out there, then it's back to Ghana! Please feel free to comment on the blog link itself as well as facebook as we do read the comments (of which there are none, so I suppose we read the theroretical comments?)... 







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